Tag Archives: WETSFM

Podcasting Advice from the Experts

Podcasting Advice from the Experts.

If you’ve ever considered podcasting, this is the interview to listen to.

Stewart Harris, host of Your Weekly Constitutional; Wayne Winkler, producer of YWC and station manager of WETSFM; Jim Blalock, program director for WETSFM bring insight, and advice on how to get started and be successful at podcasting.

Do you podcast? What has your experience been like?

I’d love to hear from you!


Intern every chance you get



Seriously, if you can intern every semester of college – including summers – you will not regret it. Better yet, be such a good intern that you get hired while you go to school.

In Mass Comm at ETSU, you only get one three-hour credit for an internship and many students are cool with that. It was my experience however, that the first internship was just to get acclimated to the process. I did learn a LOT – most notably what I wanted and didn’t want in my future job. I didn’t get paid and I worked my ass off.

When my internship was over, I had good experience, great samples for my portfolio, and an A. Most importantly, I got a gig with the company after that. I was a (well) paid contractor doing the same stuff I was doing for free as an intern. If they had an opening I’m sure I’d be working there right now.

I did another internship the next semester after that. I didn’t get a paycheck, but I did get an in-kind payment that both my husband and I were able to enjoy. Everyone was happy. I loved that work experience, have even MORE stuff for my portfolio, and some great relationships.

Now, I’m in the internship that I hope becomes my job after graduation. You listening WETS?!

Through each internship I gained not only valuable experience and cool samples for my portfolio, I developed strong relationships and built a network. I have valuable insights into the work I want to do, the type of employer I want to work with, and I have narrowed my focus and path forward.

A lot of students think that the internship is just to fulfill a requirement, that it doesn’t matter because they’re moving away to follow their career anyway. That’s too bad for them but awesome for me (and students like me). Their attitude makes it easier for me to get a job  – even if I move away because the competition has a poor attitude.

Of course, there are students who have to work their way through college. It sucks that our system is set up that way. Because of recent Supreme Court ruling on internships, most companies now have to pay their interns. I doubt seriously they will pay very much, and the intern opportunities will most likely shrink.

That said, you may need to take a look at your finances to figure out how you can accommodate internships that may not pay well. How much spending can you cut? Living like a pauper as a college student is perfectly acceptable. Living like a pauper after college…mmm, not so much. Do you want a good career later, or do you want a good hourly job now? Louboutin_courtesy_CreativeCommonsVIAneontommy.comDo you want Nine West shoes now or Louboutin shoes later? Good internships are worth the sacrifice now for the career you want in the future.

Also, for the love of pete, don’t wait until the last minute to find an internship!! Start thinking about your next internship before the next semester starts. Be ready to apply, do some due diligence to make sure it’s a good fit. You are more likely to get the internship you want when you start early because everyone else is lazy. Don’t be lazy.

Speaking of lazy competition, imagine what your resume is going to look like when it shows college full time and a roster of awesome internships! Seriously, it makes a difference.

What do you think about internships? Are they worth the trouble?

I’d love to hear from you


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This is where the magic happens!


I’m glad you found me! I hope you enjoy the wild public radio ride with an intern.

We’re going to have fun and learn a lot about the pain and the pleasure of real world digital/social media.

Learn from my mistakes and hacks. I want to learn from your experiences too so leave comments. I’m all about collaborating – just like Ken Blanchard!!

I’d love to hear from you.
