Category Archives: Career

Don’t let social media overwhelm you

Marie Forleo has some great tips for you if you are feeling pressured about being on all social media platforms and posting constantly.

I particularly like her tip about finding one or two that you can be successful on, commit to those and get good at them. I would even take it a step further and say that once you feel confident with those, widen your circle and bring in another. You will need to evolve and find that sweet spot of where your audience responds and where you feel comfortable communicating.

How many social media platforms are you on?

I’d love to hear from you!



How to get the most out of your internship

Time magazine is really on the ball with this article by Josh Sanburn. It gives you “seven ways to the most out of an internship.” I’ve offered a summary below, but there are some great tips you can read about by clicking the title of this blogpost.

1) Work with your college career center to find the right internship for you.

2) Always ask questions in the interview about things that are important to you, the intern.

3) Understand what your rights are – particularly if you take an unpaid internship.

4) Find a mentor. Most companies have mentorship programs. They can help you navigate the waters of a new workplace, and they can prove to be influential as you look to your future.

5) At the midpoint of your internship, think about projects you’ve done. Are there things you’d like to get experience with that you haven’t worked on yet? Check with your mentor to see what else you can be doing. They’ll appreciate your enthusiasm.

6) Don’t assume you will get a job.

7) My favorite piece of advice is to write thank you notes when your internship is complete to people you’ve worked with, including your supervisor &/or mentor. Even if the workplace isn’t a good fit for you, these are folks you will want to stay in touch with.

Which tip was your favorite, or maybe one they left out?

I’d love to hear from you!


How will you get your job?



This is a cool infographic that shows just how important social media has become in getting a job.

I’m shocked that Facebook has gotten more people their job than LinkedIn! The idea of getting a job via Twitter is so intriguing to me. I think I need to beef up my posts…

What do you think? Are you surprised that over 18 million people say they have their current job because of Facebook?

I’d love to hear from you!



Vocal Fry must die

Click the title to read this awesome blog post by Jayme Soulati as part of the Mentor Me PR Series. She uses a GREAT video, Faith Salie’s CBS News clip, to demonstrate the horrible, horrible speech pattern known as vocal fry. (The second video just seems like click bait.)

I want to get the word out about Vocal Fry because it is the most hideous assault on the ears since the jack hammer. It seems to be contagious as well because I’ve caught myself doing it when I’m around other people who do it. YIKES!

“This American Life,” and one or two reporters on “All Things Considered,” have vocal fry and I will turn off the radio/podcast the minute I hear it. You can sound serious and intelligent without vocal fry. Vocal fry makes people sound pretentious, add in a few likes and a slow eye-roll and you come across like an airhead. Yes, that is how I really feel about it.

Whatever it takes, eliminate vocal fry. It could very well cost you a job. In this blog post, Jayme gives great advice to listen to your own voice – particularly on the phone because that’s where a lot one-on-one contact will be done.

Do you know people who vocal fry?

I’d love to hear from you!


A little about my podcast



The podcast I’ve posted about podcasting was a really cool experience. Interviewing people is so cool to me!  I’ve done film interviews and enjoyed that immensely. ->NERD ALERT<-

I was so nervous for the interviews on podcasting!  Not only was I doing something I didn’t know squat about, I was interviewing people who I’d heard interview other people on the radio for years now. Actually, nervous was an understatement.

It helped that I had a plan. I knew my questions, and I had a good idea of the answers that would benefit people the most.

My interviewees were so kind and gracious, even giving me tips on using the technology. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. I learned what equipment I like using for audio interviews and why.

I’m pretty jazzed that I will have an opportunity to use this new experience soon. I’ve already set up a time with one of the other program hosts on WETSFM to see how we can make podcasting work there.

I once thought of podcasting as something for big shows like “This American Life,” or “To the Best of Our Knowledge.” I didn’t see how it could be beneficial for the short, informational shows by individuals. I have a whole new respect for the medium now.

Have you started podcasting? What podcasts do you like to listen to?

I’d love to hear from you!





I am a firm believer in the power of delegating. That’s not simply true because I like to tell people what to do, I also like to get a lot of things accomplished. It’s amazing how effort is compounded when you enlist folks to help you out.

It’s not easy to let go and have other people handle things for you. Sometimes you have to prioritize. For example, I wish more than anything I had the time to handle our landscaping. My time is better spent doing what I do best. The economic term is “comparative advantage.” At work, you may think of delegating to your administrative assistant your filing, setting up your meetings or making travel arrangements for you so you have more time to set your organization’s communication strategy.



The other thing I’ve learned about delegation is that – in most instances – as long as the delegatee knows the precise end result you want to see, you can let them do it however they want to. It’s the end result that matters. Don’t micro-manage them, let them complete the task however they wish. If you dictate the terms and watch over their shoulder you may as well do it yourself. Besides, often people will come up with a better way to do something than you could have envisioned.

Are you a good delegator? Why or why not?

I’d love to hear from you.


Podcasting Advice from the Experts

Podcasting Advice from the Experts.

If you’ve ever considered podcasting, this is the interview to listen to.

Stewart Harris, host of Your Weekly Constitutional; Wayne Winkler, producer of YWC and station manager of WETSFM; Jim Blalock, program director for WETSFM bring insight, and advice on how to get started and be successful at podcasting.

Do you podcast? What has your experience been like?

I’d love to hear from you!


Take criticism. It’s a gift.



It takes practice to see criticism as the gift it is.

The first thing you need to do look at criticism from a little different perspective. This of it as an opportunity. It means that there has been miscommunication or there is a genuine screw up. Both of these things need to be rectified so if someone takes their precious time to let you know about the problem – be glad.

I think of it as someone telling me I have something green in my teeth. Someone who likes you will tell you while someone who doesn’t care about you won’t. Granted, you may not get called names or cussed at when they tell you that there’s something in your teeth, but the favor is still there.

Let me provide a recent example. I work on a fundraising event called Holiday Market. I’ve purchased advertising on Facebook to hit all the women in the area. One of the women in the area was kind enough to leave an unflattering post that was along the lines of “I haven’t supported you since you changed your name to Holiday Market.” Alluding to the fact that we went all PC and changed from Christmas Market to Holiday Market. It’s always been Holiday Market.

This is where charm and grace took over and I thanked her for the post. I didn’t correct her or get defensive. I simply explained the reason we have our name and that I hoped she would join us for the best shopping experience of her life.

I used the opportunity to explain who we were, why we did what we did, that we love her and her input and that we want her in our family. Will she come to our event? Who knows. I do know that she can’t honestly tell her friends and family that we are rude and hate Christmas. Other people who read the exchange will see our organization as kind, attentive and thoughtful. You never know who is watching on social media.

Even if someone cusses you and your mother, stay cool. This could be just the chance you’ve needed to change a broken process; to update outdated information; to find out the way you do things is totally jacked up and needs improvement.



I’m not saying it doesn’t suck and sometimes people are mean and life isn’t fair, BUT if you try at some point in the criticism to find the nugget of gold in the pile of bullsh*t you could come out smelling like a rose.

How do you handle criticism?

I’d love to hear from you.


Time management

The Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory (S. Dali, 1952/54)

The Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory (S. Dali, 1952/54)

You can’t manage time. You have to manage yourself.

I’m looking at a daunting week this week with personal, professional and school work. There have been some interesting articles that I’ve noticed lately on the topic of learning to manage yourself and how you live in time. I thought I would share one in case you feel like you’re drowning too.

3 Beliefs That Transformed My Work-Life Balance by Erin Greenawald for The Daily Muse via Mashable. All three of these I live by to a great extent. Unfortunately, when you are living like your head is on fire and your tail is catching it’s easy to forget.

  1. Free time doesn’t have to be available time. Oh lord, this one kills me. Free time is so critical to your mental state (if for no other reason than to do your laundry), that you’d better schedule it with yourself or you will schedule it with someone else.
  2. If it’s not on the calendar, it won’t happen. I live by this. If I am in a meeting and another meeting is scheduled, I put it in the calendar ASAP. If not, I won’t be there. It’s almost guaranteed that 10 minutes after I swore to heaven and earth that I wouldn’t forget to put it on my calendar, someone will walk up and want a meeting on the exact date/time I swore I’d remember but isn’t on my calendar. Guess what? I schedule the second meeting having completely forgotten the first one.
  3. Sometimes my time is more valuable that my money. That sounds N-U-T-S but it’s true. You don’t have time to wash/dry/fold laundry? Drop it off for a couple of quarters a pound, pick it up when you are between meetings. Don’t have time to mow your grass? Pay someone to do it when you are at work/school. TRUST ME, it may be just the relief valve you need!!

There are so many resources you can use to help you manage your schedule. The Internet is chock full of them. The article above is a good start.

There are systems and gurus you can refer to. I’ve found a lot of success with Getting Things Done by David Allen, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, and – as weird as it sounds – FLYLady by Marla Cilley. I’ve come back to these again and again to tweak how I use the systems, and re-discover tips. Self-management is lifelong effort that changes and evolves as your life changes and evolves.

What are your favorite self-management systems you’ve used? What works for you and what just didn’t click in your life?

I’d love to hear from you.


Sorry sweetheart, your personal Facebook page isn’t social media experience



This seems pretty obvious but I’m willing to bet that there are some knuckleheads who get into this because they are prolific personal social media posters. They think, “How hard can social media for a brand be? You just post stuff and get likes. I’ve got 862 friends on FB and 1637 followers on TW, I’m a freaking natural.”

So what’s the difference?

  • You need a Strategy to reach communication goals. You don’t post just because the urge strikes. You don’t post just because you see something funny you want to share.
  • You’ve got to Research your audience. What do they want to hear? When do they want to hear it? How do they like to hear it?
  • You should be Crafting a message based on your strategy and research. Just throwing out slop loses the respect of your intended audience. When you lose the respect of your audience you lose their attention. When you lose their attention often enough, you lose your job.
  • Posting comes back to strategy. Don’t post when your target won’t hear it. Don’t post where your audience won’t see it. Don’t post what will lose/alienate your audience.
  • You’ve got to be Listening to your audience. It’s not just what they say, it’s what they do. Look at your metrics. What do people respond to the most? When are they responding and where?
  • If you’ve been listening, you will certainly need to make Tactical Adjustments. That’s your life now: making adjustments – All.The.Time. Social & digital media move so fast that everything you do will be about adjusting to changing responses from your audience, changing conditions on the Interwebs, and changing technology.
  • Revisit Strategy.
  • Continually Research.
  • Always Be Crafting new messages.
  • Ad infinitum into this ouroboros thing where the head swallows the tail – no beginning or end. (look it up)

When was the last time you did research on your personal followers before you posted that picture of the ultimate ice cream sundae on Instagram? Do you know your strategy for your tweets about your displeasure at a college football game? What message are you consciously crafting for Pinterest?

See the difference?

Have I left out any considerations or steps in this social media cycle? Which step do you like best? In which step are you weakest?

I’d love to hear from you.
